Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rams tender ERFAs; other free agents not re-signed

The Rams have retained the following exclusive rights free agents to one-year contracts:

* Darian Stewart
* Brian Mattison
* Brit Miller
* Jermelle Cudjo
* Dominique Curry

Some pretty good players there, though I hope the Rams will look for a better option at fullback than Miller. I get that he does all right on special teams, but the Rams need a fullback who can play special teams, not a special teamer who can play fullback. Too many roster spots are getting used like that. For instance, Curry, a good special teamer who can play wide receiver. The Rams really need a WR who can play special teams. Get it?

Restricted free agent C.J. Ah You will not be tendered. He and ALL of the Rams' other unrestricted free agents will hit the open market today. That includes Brandon Lloyd, Chris Chamberlain, Jacob Bell and punter Donnie Jones. Those were about the only free agents the Rams showed any interest in re-signing.

So good-byes also seem in order to:
* James Butler
* Gary Gibson, leaving the Rams Cudjo and Darell Dorell Scott at DT
* Brian Kehl
* Justin King, hallelujah
* Mark LeVoir
* Jerious Norwood
* Brady Poppinga
* Cadillac Williams

Other than the Rams having nothing in the middle of their defensive line at the moment, I can't say any of those moves bother me too much.

Hopefully Les Snead has plenty of Mountain Dew and/or Red Bull on hand this weekend, with the Rams seemingly needing to replace half the team.

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