Thursday, July 29, 2010

Good and bad secondary news: update

The good news: Bradley Fletcher will be good to go for the start of training camp on Friday. He got full medical clearance from team doctors this past Friday. Nothing but good news there. Fletcher's play had been showing solid improvement up until his knee blew out at the end of October against the Colts. Assuming he's at full speed, Fletcher's definitely in the mix to start at corner opposite Ron Bartell, probably even the guy to beat, since he had gained the job during last season.

Let's also make sure to give Fletcher some guts and character points for coming back ahead of schedule from a wicked knee injury that took two surgeries to repair.

In the not-so-good department, third-round pick Jerome Murphy, also believed to be in the starting cornerback mix, was arrested in St. Petersburg, Florida Saturday for driving without a valid license. Now, that's a very minor deal in the big scheme of things, but it's still a distraction and it's still a failure by a player to stay out of trouble off the field. May Murphy learn from that and be wise enough to make that his worst infraction for a very long time.

I am curious to know, though, what got Murphy pulled over in the first place if the license violation was all he was charged with. Was he let off the hook for a more serious violation? Or was he guilty of "driving while black"?

We're missing an important detail somewhere in this story.

Update: Murphy was pulled over for having his music on too loud, which he disputes. He's from New Jersey, his license there had expired, and he was "waiting for [his] Social Security card" so he could get a Florida license, which he now has. Like I said, a very minor deal in the big scheme of things.

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